International Experience.
I have an abiding interest in international law. I’ve lived and worked in New York and London and am admitted in both jurisdictions. I have taught both international law (at the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs) and international economic law (at Victoria University of Wellington) and written extensively on international legal issues (with a full list of publications available in my curriculum vitae).
When I returned to New Zealand in 2009, I set about creating at Chapman Tripp an international arbitration and trade law practice focused on the Asia-Pacific region. Over the years, this grew into the country’s first dedicated international law practice, covering public international law, private international law, cross-border litigation, international arbitration, sanctions, extradition matters and much else in-between.
I have recognised expertise in cross-border dispute resolution, whether through litigation or arbitration. I practice internationally through leading barristers’ chambers Twenty Essex in Singapore.

I have acted in UNCITRAL, ICSID, LCIA, SCC and ICC arbitrations. I am New Zealand’s representative to the ICC Commission and national correspondent to UNCITRAL for the two international instruments on which the country’s arbitration law is based.
I am a member of the SIAC Users’ Council, the LCIA Asia Pacific Users’ Council and the Editorial Board of the ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin.
I am co‑author of a commentary on the ICSID Convention and Arbitration Rules and a contributing author to New Zealand’s foremost arbitration text, Williams & Kawharu on Arbitration.
I bring engaged interest and experience to a wide spectrum of international legal issues. I am available to give advice and provide advocacy services, including as part of a team.
I also have experience as an arbitrator, including under the ICC Rules, and am available for appointments.
Examples of contentious work
- appearing as counsel (and arbitrator) in many international arbitrations (often seated in Singapore)
- obtaining and opposing interim relief ancillary to arbitrations
- enforcing judgments and arbitration awards in New Zealand, including against sovereign states
- representing the Fertiliser Association on its intervention in a judicial review involving sovereign immunity and act of state issues
- representing the Government of Kazakhstan in obtaining, from the New Zealand courts, an order of subpoena compelling an internet company to provide data for use in United States court proceedings
- obtaining a novel order compelling a New Zealand-based witness to give evidence in a London ICC arbitration
- representing a United Kingdom investor against the Republic of Indonesia, in the first bilateral investment treaty arbitration hearing held in New Zealand
Examples of advisory work
- advising the New Zealand Government on discrete issues involving international law and policy
- working with the World Bank in providing international investment law advice in a Pacific country
- advising on private international law issues, including the enforcement of judgments and arbitral awards and drafting arbitration, jurisdiction and choice of law clauses
- advising on public international law issues, including treaty interpretation, customary international law, and the extent to which international law influences the exercise of domestic law powers
- advising on the effect and use of international trade agreements
- advising on the intersection between business and human rights, including the United Nations Guiding Principles